One of only three surviving administrative handbooks from early 18th-century Safavid Iran and important research tool for scholars in Iranology. The Persian manuscript was edited during the 1960s by the Iranian scholar Mohammad-Taqi Daneshpazhuh.
A Russian translation by Dr Vil'danova appeared in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, in the 1990s. An annotated English translation (ISBN 983-9379-26-7), which contains also a facsimile of what was then thought among scholars to be the complete manuscript, was published for the first time by the German scholar Christoph Marcinkowski in 2002. A Persian translation of Marcinkowski's study by Ali Kordabadi and Mansur Sefatgol appeared in 1385 AH solar (2006 CE) in Tehran at Markaz-e Asnad va Tarikh-e Diplomasi (published by the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs). Subsequently, the Iranian scholar Iraj Afshar discovered and edited the remainder of the text. This part, too, was translated into English and discussed by Dr. Marcinkowski in the Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, the journal of the German Oriental Society (see below).
Variants: Dastur al-Moluk, Dastur ol-Moluk.